7 Week Pregnant

7 Week Pregnant QUICK BITES

  • In this week of pregnancy, there is no change in physical appearance.
  • Wait to share happiness with relatives.
  • Do not forget to take the time to relax for yourself.
  • The infant's internal organs are under development.

The seventh week is the seventh month of your pregnancy. At this time you will not see any change in your physical appearance. The embryo is under development. After some time now you can share your happiness with friends and relatives.

seven week of pregnancy

However you will be very eager to share your happiness. And telling them this can be quite exciting. The size of the embryo is still small, and it will begin to grow rapidly. You should consume postic foods for the growth of the embryo. Eat vitamin before pre-natal and also take time to relax between work.

The baby born in your womb will be healthy with adequate amounts of vitamins. In the next coming time you will hear the heartbeat of the child. With 3D Sonogram, you will be able to see the baby grow. Through this article we will give you information about the last week of pregnancy.

Baby development

The fetal length should be 0.44 to 0.52 in the last week of pregnancy. From this week the child will start developing the eyelid and the tongue with the breast, breast veneer in the child. At this time you can also see the knees and the toes of the feet. The development of internal organs has already started.

The child can now probably swim through the amniotic sac, the increase of the cord rope has also begun. Now the development of baby's nerves and muscles will start. The development of lungs is accelerating. For the development of the child, it is important that you eat the right nutritious food and eat a good amount of vitamins in the food. At the end of the week you will see an increase in fetal size.

Changes in your body

  • Some women may look at you carefully, but you can tell that you are pregnant. At this time your weight will increase, on the other hand, some women lose weight even now. There is nothing to worry about weight loss.
  • Increasing body weight or decreasing is just a way of adjusting your body for the child's development. Problems that occur in the morning in this week may increase. It will soon decrease.
  • You will begin to soften your breasts and the size will change as well.
  • Headaches, changes in mood, excessive urination, constipation and indigestion can also occur at this time.
  • At this time you feel more like eating different types of things. Do not eat anything that will harm you or your pregnant baby in order to fulfill this desire.

What is expected

  • Morning sickness will come down in the coming weeks. Do not try to eat more at once. It will be good for you to eat a little bit of food every five to six times a day.
  • If you are suspected of vomiting after eating something, then experts recommend that you take lemon juice. Drinking watermelon also provides relief in Morning sickness.
  • If the problem of Morning Sickness is increasing, consult the doctor and see that there is no other reason for being nervous.
  • Do not be worried about anything, it can adversely affect your baby in your womb. This will also affect your baby's health.


Continue working with the rest of the day. Yoga and exercise will always be beneficial for you. There is no restriction on this level of pregnancy. You are getting ready for the next visit to the doctor, blood will be examined in it. The test will be done, which will help to monitor your pregnancy and your health.

Always keep in mind that the health of your baby born in the womb is the first. If you get comfortable working in the sit down, then you can do this. Along with fluids, eat foods containing proteins and vitamins. Try to stay away from coffee or caffeinated beverages. Stay away from fried things like snacks and potato chips, etc. You can complain of getting nausea from your intake.

Consult your doctor for planning your diet plan and knowing what you need to eat. Apart from this you can also gather information about books and websites in this regard.



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